Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A brief History

Where our people originally came from is unknown. Some people believe we are from a northern tribe of hunter-gatherers and that our name comes from our homeland Aztlan, or "white land". We came to Mexico in the early 13th century. Our arrival came after, and maybe helped to bring about the fall of the Toltecs. They had been a previously dominant society. We wandered around Mexico before settling in The Vally of Mexico. Instead of starting war, we built our city  in the swampy land of Lake Texcoco.
In 1428 Itcoatl, our leader, formed an alliance with the Texcocans and Tacubans to defeat their powerful rivals, the Tepanec, over the region and conquer their capital of Azcapotzalco. Itzcoatl's successor Montezuma, who took over in 1440, was a great warrior who is remembered as the father of the Aztec Empire.
By the 16th century we had power over 500 small city-states with 5 to 6 million people in our population.
The city-states have to pay tribute either in the form of food, clothing, goods, or captives to feed to our hungry gods. Our tendency for human sacrifice brings fear to those we have concurred and keeps us above them.

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