Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What happens when you die?

We Aztecs believe in a afterlife. Once you die you are assigned a job to help the gods. This job is not determined by how you lived but by how you died.
Warriors that die in battle will be turned into butterflies or hummingbirds to help the gods in charge of nature. This is why our warriors are so full of courage and not afraid of death. Their afterlife will be very nice, unlike people who die from a natural cause. Their job is to serve the Lord of the Dead in the gloomy underworld. It takes about 4 years of dangerous travel to get to the Land of the Dead and once you are there you will spend your afterlife in darkness. Some people ask if it is a punishment, but it isn't, its just what your job is.
Women who die in childbirth have to help the sun god push the sun everyday from being above us to its resting position at night. You only have to work from noon till sundown, so this isn't a bad job to have.
People who die from lighting, drowning, or a disease have been chosen to serve the rain or storm god. They get to spend their afterlife among flowers.

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