Wednesday, June 17, 2015


There are many gods. Some control nature, like plants and the harvest or rain, water, and wind. These gods all work together usually with Chicomicoatl, the god who produces food. Some of our most important gods include Tlaloc, god of rain, Huitzilopochtli the patron god of the Mexico tribe and god of war, Quetzalcoatl the god of culture, civilization, and order, and Tezcatlipoca the god of destiny and fortune, as well as war and sorcery.
The gods need rest just like us humans. This is why we have two war gods. One fights with us during the day, the other at night. Our warriors are ready to fight at any time because we know one of our gods will always be with us.
The gods have family, related either through blood or marriage. For example, Quetzalcoatl is brother to Tezcatlipoca, one of the war gods. The other, as mentioned, is Huitzilopochtli.
It is very important to worship the gods every day. You can be punished horribly for not doing so, in fact, you can be punished for worshiping them every day but not enough in their eyes. This is why worship is an important part of every Aztec person's daily life.
Priests help us to worship. They tell us how to behave so we wont bring the wrath of the gods upon us. This makes priests very important in our culture. They are religious leaders, but some are active in our government. They are also teachers, and create records written in hieroglyphics.
Priests also do human sacrifices to feed our gods and keep them happy. Men and women are both sacrificed, but usually it was men. This is because most sacrifices are enemy warriors captured during battle. However, if we run out of captured people or there is famines we will sacrifice our own people.
Sacrifices are done in temples, which are built to honour our gods. It is also a place for musical worship or for a private ceremony of personal bloodletting. Temples are super cool! They can be huge! The great temple of Tenochtitlan can fit 8,000 people in its plaza.

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