Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Only the upper class may own art. Common people are not allowed. If you create or sell it, you might be an exception though.
There is a large variety of art in our empire. Richly colored and embroidered clothing, architecture, ceremonial knives, head dresses, jewelry, and adornment of jewels and feathers. Stories are written with pictures of conquests, sacrifices done by our priests, or even just daily life. We have statues made out of stone as well as things like masks, pottery, shields, knives, carvings, and paintings.
Some of the materials we use include gold, silver, copper, jewels, feathers, coral, clay, and stone. Not all of these things are native to us, and we bring a lot of it in from other places.
We like our art to be very lifelike. Our statues of people and animals are very realistic, with a lot of expression and even age.
Some common themes in our art is animals. These can be insects, birds, fish, jaguars, monkeys, snakes, deer, and dogs. Most of our art is religion related though. We often depict our god, who usually look like an animal form.

Showstopper: A turquoise mask which probably represents the sun god Tonatiuh

Intricate: A golden nose ornament which also dates from the time of Moctezuma


Monstrous: The cuauhxicalli eagle dating 1502, which features a circular cavity on his back used for sacrificial offerings

Bloody: A knife used to carry out human sacrifice

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