Monday, June 15, 2015

Marriage, family, and child birth

Marriage marks the beginning of independence and adulthood. Men get married around their early 20's while women get married in their mid-teens. I am married to Tupac. He has another wife, which is very common. However as I am the primary wife only my children will be the inheritors. This does not mean Tupac doesn't treat us both well. Any man with multiple wives is expected to treat them equally in daily life. As families can grow very large, the poor usually only have one wife.
Marriages are arranged by your relatives. My parents had to talk with the religious leaders and make sure our signs matched. The day of the wedding was also chosen for religious reasons.
The new family is given a piece of land to build their own home. Both the men and women can be involved with working the land. The women are also in charge of household stuff while a man will probably become a warrior. There are other occupations, like farmer, priest, doctor, etc., but being a warrior brings special honor.
In a lot of ways, our society is dominated by men, however women have power too. We are able to run a business out of our homes and we have a lot of influence in our family and when raising children. Older widows, like my mother, are very respected and many people listen to them for advice. Divorce is allowed in certain situations, presented by man or woman, and property is divided equally.
War is very important to our society, and it is even used as a symbol for childbirth. The baby is captive in the womb and the mother is in battle as well. Women who die in childbirth are glorified in the same way as warriors who die in battle and honored for her courage.
This is a hymn for a newborn the the goddess of child birth:
Down there, where Ayopechcatl lives, the jewel is born, a child has come into the world.
It is down there, in her own place, that the children are born.
Come, come here, new-born child, come here.
Come, come here, jewel-child, come here.

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