Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Aztec Science and Technology

Our math is very different then other civilizations. We count by 20s. The number 1-19 are expressed with dots or fingers. 20 is represented by a flag. 400 is a sign that looks like a feather or fir tree. 8,000 is a bag or tasseled pouch which is supposed to have 8,00 cocoa beans inside.

We don't have iron or bronze for tools and weapons, instead we use obsidian and chert. By the time the Spanish conquistadors came, our advances in technology was leading us to make tools with copper. Axe blades were made with stone or copper. We are even making drills out of reed or bone.
We have many different types of weaponry. A macuahuitl is a wooden club with sharp pieces of volcanic glass, or obsidian in it. We use it to disable an enemy without killing him. A living enemy can be used for sacrifice. We also use bows and arrows. Another weapon, called a theatlatl, makes it easier for someone to throw a spear. It also helps to fish.

We are pretty familiar with the wheel, but its only used in toys. We don't have horses or mules to aid us in transportation. Instead, we have developed canoes to transport ourselves and our good through canals, lakes, and waterways in the Valley of Mexico.

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