Monday, June 15, 2015

Poor vs Rich

Our society is highly structured. At the top are the rich and at the bottom are the poor and slaves.

The rich: live in homes built of sun dried brick and sometimes stone. Their homes have a white wash coating that make them sparkle in the sunshine. They have a separate area for bathing. Water is poured over hot stones to make steam. Bathing is really important and done everyday. Their clothes are colourfully decorated with embroidery and feathers. I've seen many of them carry fans made out of feathers. As you can tell, feathers are a sign of status.

The poor: They are mostly farmers . They live in huts with thatched roofs with scarce furniture. They weave their own mats for the floor and caskets for belongings. They also have blankets and pots to cook with. Each home has a little garden to grow food to eat. Their clothes are very simple and can never be decorated with feathers. Its actually against the law for a commoner to carry anything made of or decorated with feathers, and if this law is broken its punishable with death.

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